01 November 2022

Would you help the poor and needy in India?

In March 2022, India overtook the position of the UK and became the fifth largest economy in the world. However, if you compare the two countries on the basis of poverty rate, India lags far behind the UK. 

Poverty is a problem that India, as a country, has been facing for many years. Even though, over the years, there has been a positive improvement in the reduction of poverty, the country still has around 6-7% of the population living in extreme poverty. 

India is one of the countries that aims to eradicate poverty by 2030, however, in order to do so, along with the government and other charitable organisations, it also requires the public’s support. 

But the question is do you,as an individual living in India, want to help the poor and needy of the country? If yes, then there are many ways of doing so. Here are some of them- 

Monetary donations to the NGOs

There are millions of NGOs based in India that help the weaker sections of the society. However, to provide this help, they often require money donations from individuals, businesses or other institutions. Hence, as an individual, if you can even donate a small amount to these organisations, it would be considered as a great help. 

Nowadays, with the technology booming, one doesn’t have to worry about personally donating the money by visiting the organisation as there are many NGO websites in India that accept online donations. Narayan seva Sansthan is an example of this. 

The Sansthan holds one of the top ranks in the list of NGOs in India that works towards helping divyangs and other underprivileged sections of the society. They accept online donations (India or other countries) through their website. In order to visit their website and contribute to their noble cause, you can click here!  

Volunteer at an NGO 

If you personally want to help in serving the underprivileged, volunteering can be one of the best ways to do it. 

If you are wondering how to join NGO, then you can first start with gathering the information about the NGO that you want to work with and contact them via call, mail or any other mode and let them know about your interest to work with them. 

In kind donations 

Apart from money donations, there are many NGOs in India that also accept in kind donations like books, toys, and so on from the public. Apart from organisations, you can even personally help your nearby people who don’t posess much resources by donating it to them. 

Teaching the underprivileged

India has the literacy rate of 77.7% and since it is a country with second largest population, this literacy rate is a clear indication that millions of Indians are still not provided with the basic access to education. 

Article 21A of the Indian Constitution does provide every child of the country with the right to education. However, there are still those who despite receiving this opportunity either have to drop out or are not able to cope up with the academics. Hence, in order to help, you can always teach them in your free time. 

Spread awareness or raise funds

Social media is a very powerful tool in today’s world. Hence, using these platforms, you can reach millions of other people and encourage them to help by sharing stories, facts and data, and so on of the underprivileged.

Apart from spreading awareness, you can also raise funds for the underprivileged (online or offline) through fundraising events. You can even consider organising or participating in collection drives for the underprivileged and donate the collected resources to either an NGO or directly to the poor.