09 December 2023

Cyclone Preparedness: A Comprehensive Guide for Safety

In the face of increasing natural disasters, understanding and implementing proactive measures are crucial to ensuring the safety of individuals and communities. Cyclones, with their strong winds and torrential downpours, can wreak havoc if proper precautions are not taken. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the do’s and don’ts before, during, and after a cyclone, providing a roadmap to safety for everyone.              


Precautions Before a Cyclone: Do’s


Structural Preparedness:

  • Do Ensure Structural Integrity: Make sure your house is in good condition, and capable of withstanding strong winds.      
  • Do Seal Doors and Windows: Secure doors and windows tightly to prevent water and wind penetration.                              

Property Maintenance:

  • Do Trim Trees: Trim tree branches to prevent damage to your house, telephone, and electricity lines.
  • Do Secure Loose Items: Minimize the risk of projectiles by securing loose items around your property.

Emergency Kit:

  • Do Prepare an Emergency Kit: Include a portable radio, flashlight, water containers, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, and essential medicines.
  • Do Keep Mobile Phone Charged: Ensure your mobile phone is charged and have battery-operated appliances on hand.

Stay Informed:

  • Do Monitor Official Warnings: Stay updated on official cyclone warnings from reliable sources like All India Radio.   
  • Do Trust Official Information: Ignore rumors and trust only official information to prevent panic.

Precautions Before a Cyclone: Don’ts


Property Maintenance:

  • Don’t Leave Sharp Objects: Avoid leaving sharp objects scattered around your property, as they can pose injury risks during gusty winds.
  • Don’t Enter Condemned Buildings: Steer clear of condemned buildings, which may pose additional risks during cyclones.

Tree and Branches:

  • Don’t Keep Dying Branches: Do not keep dying or low-hanging branches of trees near your premises, as they can become hazardous in strong winds.   


Precautions During a Cyclone: Do’s


Securing Your Home:

  • Do Install Storm Shutters: Protect against flying debris by installing storm shutters or boarding up glass windows.
  • Do Switch Off Electrical Mains: Prevent electrical hazards by switching off electrical mains.

Evacuation Planning:

  • Do Evacuate Promptly: If advised to evacuate, leave early and head to higher ground or designated shelters.
  • Do Follow the Authorities’ Instructions: Follow instructions from authorities and evacuate condemned buildings promptly.

Safety During the Cyclone:

  • Do Stay Indoors: Stay indoors and do not venture outside, even if the winds seem to calm down temporarily.
  • Do Be Cautious in the Eye: If the eye of the cyclone passes over your area, be cautious, as strong winds will resume from the opposite direction.    


Post-Cyclone Measures: Do’s


Safety After the Cyclone:

  • Do Wait for an All-Clear Signal: Do not leave your shelter until authorities provide an all-clear signal.
  • Do Beware of Hazards: Beware of fallen power lines, damaged buildings, and flooded areas.
  • Do Boil Water: Boil water before consumption to prevent waterborne diseases.

Clean-Up and Restoration:

  • Do Clear Debris Promptly: Clear debris from your premises promptly to ensure a safe environment.
  • Do Drive Carefully: Drive carefully if you have to go out, as roads may be slippery due to heavy downpours.   


Post-Cyclone Measures: Don’ts

  • Health Precautions: Don’t Neglect Health Measures: Get inoculated against diseases immediately to prevent health risks associated with stagnant water. Strictly avoid any loose and dangling wires from lamp posts.
  • Avoid Contaminated Water: Don’t Use Contaminated Water: Do not use tap water for drinking or cooking, as sewage lines may be contaminated.
  • Vehicle Safety: Don’t Drive Carelessly: Do not drive carelessly after a cyclone, as roads may be in disrepair and hazardous.  


Preparedness for a Safer Tomorrow

Natural disasters like cyclones are unpredictable, but preparedness can significantly mitigate their impact. By following these comprehensive guidelines, individuals and communities can enhance their safety before, during, and after a cyclone. Stay informed, stay safe, and let’s collectively work towards building resilient communities capable of withstanding the challenges posed by cyclones. Preparedness today ensures a safer tomorrow for all.